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Where can I find models for music videos?

So you’re shooting a music video and you're wondering how to easily find Models for your music video, well you’re in luck here is a list of places and advice i have complied to help you out

1. Get in touch with your friends.

Everyone has friends that wanted to be models or has thought about being a model in a music video to, talk to your friends of friends and ask them to spread the word and let them know to get in touch if they have anyone that want to appear in music videos


  • Getting in touch with friends you’ll be able to convince them to do it for free instead of paying them
  • They can bring people along with them and you can also use them in music video shoots to
  • Getting there contact info and using them for other music video shoots that you might have planned for later on


  • They say yes but they might not turn up to the music video shoot
  • They might turn up to the music video shoot but change there mind and turn go through with it
  • They might not be interested in the music video shoot


2. Search on Instagram

Go through instagram find a bunch of girls / models that you think will be good in the music video and send them a professional but also friendly direct message (It would be easier if you have mutual friends) ask them and let them know they can bring people along so it makes it more of professnical shoot.

Also a note on the Instagram way that not everyone will reply to random messages or even people that have a large following will not guarantee a reply always but people with low to medium will have a higher reply rate.


  • Less expensive especially if she is a up and coming model
  • A Wide selection of models that you can get in contact with
  • Might be willing to do it free


  • Hard to get in Contact they might not reply
  • Will need to get in contact a bunch of models to find at least a couple that are willing to show up to the music video shoot
  • Time consuming, if you limited on time this may take a lot of time and effort on you part to find a model for the Music video shoot


3. Get in touch with a Model Agency

Look online and search for a couple of Model Agencies and send a request and they will probably go through a Model selection and booking for music videos process. If you are going this way please make sure you have the dates of the shoot and when the model is required and how long the shoot will be and the people attending the shoot. Just remember that this will be a really costly way to do this.


  • Great for Larger music video shoots
  • Guarantee you’ll find a model for the music video
  • Large selection of models to choose from


  • Expensive
  • Need full details of music video shoot
  • Hassle for smaller video shoots